5 Tips for Beach Explorers

Beachcombers are often like archaeologists or paleontologists. Good habits make it possible for you to identify your finds and share them with others.


Check the beach from the waves to the high tide line. Walk along the beach in both directions, as a change in sunlight often reveals new finds.


Take photos of your finds before you pick them up. Make sure your camera is set to take the largest size photo and don’t use the zoom feature. Change your camera app location settings to the most precise and accurate so you know exactly where you were.


Carefully pick up your finds. Don’t dig into the ground unless you have permission, and try to leave the beach as you found it.


Bring anything interesting home and give a thorough cleaning to see if you can uncover any interesting features. 


When you find something really interesting, share it online so others can enjoy it, too. If it’s truly unique, consider donating your find to a local museum. It’s a great way to have your find appreciated by a broader audience and contribute to research. And, send in your best stories to Beachcombing so we can share them, too!

This article appeared in Beachcombing Volume 40 January/February 2024.

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