Celebrate Collect Rocks Day

Collect Rocks Day has been celebrated on September 16 since 2015. No matter where you live, or whether you like collecting rocks on beaches, lakes, rivers, or streams, here are some fun ways to celebrate all things rocky.
Rocks are found all over the top layer of the Earth called the lithosphere. Igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks are the three major types of rocks. What's fun about beach rocks is the way the waves and sand have softened their edges.
Head to the beach and grab some rocks
Plan a trip to your local shore to hunt for rocks, stones, and crystals. Bring a bag, any tools you need to uncover and grab your favorite stones and pebbles, and start the treasure hunt! No rocks on your beach? Collect seashells, sea glass, rocks, driftwood, or your favorite beach finds or do a quick beach clean up.
Display your rocks
Gather some of your favorite shiny minerals in a bowl or basket, or lined up on a shelf where you can admire them. You can sort them by color, texture, category, or where you found them.
Share photos of your favorites
It's a great time to dig out your favorite beach rock photos or take some rocks out in the sun for a photo shoot! Send them along and we'll include our favorite in an upcoming issue of Beachcombing. Email your photos with “Rocks” in the subject line.
Don't forget to include #NationalCollectRocksDay on your posts!
Got other ideas on how to bring out your inner geologist? Leave them in the comments!
Learn more about beach rocks:

Learn more about beach rocks including agates, Cape May diamonds, Yooperlites, fulgurite, puddingstone, and more. Articles ›