Fire-King Glass on the Shores of Rhodes
Mint-green-colored sea glass repeatedly turns up during Jim Allen's winter searches of the beaches of Rhodes, Greece.
Read moreMint-green-colored sea glass repeatedly turns up during Jim Allen's winter searches of the beaches of Rhodes, Greece.
Read moreOver the decades, mudlarks have discovered thousands of antique and modern beads in the River Thames in London.
Read moreEuropean exploration, colonization, maritime trade, pirates, and hurricanes make the West Indies is a treasure trove for black glass!
Read moreThe Blue Willow pattern may be the most recognizable pattern of china ever produced, with a scene that tells the tale of two lovers.
Read moreRex Key produces clay pipes using the traditional Victorian methods with original pipe molds from the 19th century.
Read moreOn a sunny California day, Mary found what she thought was a button, but which turned out to be much more fabulous.
Read morePam O'Brien may never know how a piece of German pottery ended up on a beach in Rhode Island, but it was interesting researching its history.
Read moreMurano glass is synonymous with Venetian glass, and the origins of glassmaking in Venice go back to the times of the Roman Empire.
Read moreWhile True Daffy's Elixir maintains its questionable history, the bottles are now considered a British classic bottle.
Read moreInvestigating markings on sea glass she found took Kris Braga on a journey through bottle making history.
Read moreThere’s something indisputably romantic about finding a message in a bottle upon the beach.
Read moreThe colonial town of Port Royal, Jamaica, a haven for pirates, reprobates, and thieves, disappeared into the sea in a matter of seconds in 1692.
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