What are your beachcombing pet peeves?

what are your pet peeves when beach combing

Beachcombers head to the beach to find treasures...and relaxation. What are the things that other beachcombers do that bug you the most? Tell us your Beachcombing Pet Peeves in our one-question poll and we'll share the results in an upcoming issue of Beachcombing

Comment below if we missed anything on the poll!


Finding so much trash on the beaches. I end up focusing on picking up the trash instead of finding treasures.

Ann Marie Eberhart February 13, 2025

I hate seeing people who can find small pieces of seaglass but can’t be bothered to pick up the rubbish right next to it. My blood boils.

Suzanne Casement February 13, 2025

I love beach combing! It’s always a treasure hunt! But, nothing saddens me more than watching people gathering live shells! That’s not treasure hunting. It’s sea pirating!

Jean Christopher February 12, 2025

It’s hard to find much that bothers me in my favorite place on earth. But people’s garbage, loud music and unfriendly beachcombers would be my pet peeves! But the thrill of the hunt and the excitement of a great find washes it all away!!🌊🐚

Jeanette Aprile February 12, 2025

Litter is my pet peeve.

Suzanne February 12, 2025

Beachcombers who gloat over their finds

Eugenia February 11, 2025

I get annoyed by other people who are picking up treasures but stepping over trash. If you are going to bend down for rocks, sea glass, shells, etc. give back to the sea by picking up the plastic and trash around as well. I always do both! The sea gods will reward you generously!

Donna Baranowski February 11, 2025

It may sound funny, but I don’t like anyone to be on the beach at the time that I am. When I’m there, the beach is mine and mine alone. I would like to be alone, facing the waves. Without people who act loud, litter or, worse, ask me what I’m collecting. That is, I am such a beach psychopath. But harmless!

Agnieszka Zak February 11, 2025

What can annoy me ? Not much nowadays. Because sadly most people don’t care about one another anymore. And everything gets taken out of context. I guess I just shut down when I am on the beach. There is nothing else on my mind then the sound of seagulls, birds, creatures that come out of the water and me getting a stiff neck. But since I don’t care about the weather either. I just find a spot dry or not and sit and enjoy the scenery. If a dog comes along I even play with them because I tell myself he is having such a great time. And I can feel for him having been home waiting to get out. Does he ruin my sea glass adventure? Will the owner start taking to me ? Well…. he / she better pick up the doggy poop. ( don’t get the let’s leave it at the beach ) I pick up my dogs poop ! Will someone drop trash ? Better pick it up ! Will someone run in front of me ? Laughable ! Well I think the poop and trash does it for me. Because I know there is always another day. And to me getting worked up while on my beach treasure hunt defeats the purpose! If I let it get to me it would ruin a day in my life so nope ! And with the purpose of enjoyment it would just take a day of happiness and make my life one day shorter.

Martina Weinkam February 11, 2025

Cars on beaches.

Linda Broderick February 11, 2025

I absolutely hate when I see broken glass bottles, crushed plastic bottles and used diapers on the beach!! Yuck. Please pick up after yourselves and make the beaches beautiful for everyone for years to come!

Anna Wendt February 11, 2025

People riding bikes in the sand, crushing treasures as they go.

Pamela February 10, 2025

I love looking for treasures. One of the things that annoys me is people who ask me where is the best beach to find seaglass. It has taken me many years to find good beaches to find seaglass. Do your research!

Donna C. February 10, 2025

People who litter, leaving trash & plastic behind. Even more frustrating when you pick up what looks like a perfect red or blue piece of glass, to find that it’s only plastic.

Mary Chambers February 10, 2025

I don’t like hearing someone’s loud music while I’m in my happy place.

Cheryl Saxton February 10, 2025

I may loose because of my answer. Because I don’t have one. When I am out there looking I love seeing others. They are doing what I love too. I always say “there is enough for everyone “ If there is only one patch I stay on one side. I may chit chat a bit then move on. More than once I have walked behind someone and the wave washes up a brand new gift for me.

Ginger Bowman February 10, 2025

I get annoyed when people cut in front of where I’m searching. Very rude.

Kristina Schultz February 10, 2025

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