We send you emails about your subscription, orders, credit card payments, and your password for the digital edition of the magazine through our website and MailChimp, an email service provider. You can join the email list at eepurl.com/grkiGb to receive emails about subscriptions, upcoming events, future articles, and special offers.

We do not sell your email address to anyone.

If you are a subscriber, your subscription includes a digital edition of the magazine. We email the password to view each online issue to subscribers using MailChimp. Please join the email list at eepurl.com/grkiGb if you are interested in receiving your password to read the online version of the magazines, which is available often before the printed version reaches you in the regular mail. You can unsubscribe from MailChimp emails at any time using the unsubscribe link on every MailChimp email we send. 

If you aren’t receiving emails or they are going in your junk folder, please add the following email addresses to your email address book and to the safe senders list in your email program:

  • info@beachcombingmagazine.com
  • subscriptions@beachcombingmagazine.com
  • info@beachcombing.com
  • subscriptions@beachcombing.com

Yahoo, AOL, and HotMail Users

If you use Yahoo Mail, AOL, of Hotmail, it might be time to get a new email address. AOL started in 1983 and it's feeling its 40+ years. Yahoo started in 1997 and is now almost 30 years old. Hotmail was created in 1996, acquired by Microsoft and is no longer being fully supported. These older email services are not as stable as Gmail, for example, which has 1.8 billion monthly users and gets plenty of support. If you change your email address, please let us know so we can still reach you with your order notices and passwords.

Help with common email clients

To add a trusted contact in some of the most popular email clients, please follow these steps.

Apple mail (desktop)

If Apple Mail delivers a legitimate message to junk, you can do two things.

  • Teach Apple Mail's filter to allow future messages. Open the junk folder and find the message. Move the message into the inbox.
  • Add the emails listed above to the address book. Open the message, right-click the sender email address, and choose Add to Contacts.

For additional information about Apple Mail, visit the Apple Mail Support Page.

Mail (Apple iOS mobile devices)

If Mail delivers a legitimate message to junk, you can do two things.

  • Teach Mail's filter to allow future messages. Open the junk folder and find the message. Move the message into the inbox.
  • Add the emails listed above to the address book. Open the message, and tap the From email address. Then tap Create New Contact to input the address in the contacts list.

For additional information about the Mail app, visit the Apple Support Page.

AOL Webmail

If AOL Webmail delivers a legitimate message to spam, you can do two things.

  • Mark a received campaign as Not Spam. Open the spam folder and click the message. Click the OK, Not Spam button.
  • Add the emails listed above to the address book. Click Contacts in the navigation panel, and click the New Contact icon. Input the email address and click the Add Contact button.

For additional information about AOL Webmail, visit the AOL Support Page.

Gmail (desktop and mobile)

If Gmail delivers a legitimate message to spam, you can do two things.

  • Mark a received campaign as Not Spam. Open the spam folder and click or tap the message. Click Not Spam.
  • Add the emails listed above to the address book. Open the contact list, click or tap New Contact, and input the address.

For additional information about Gmail, visit the Gmail Support Page.


If Outlook delivers a legitimate message to junk, you can do two things.

  • Mark a received campaign as Not Junk. Open the junk folder and click the message. Click Not Junk.
  • Add the emails listed above to the address book. Open the message, right-click the sender name, and click Add to Contacts. Authentication information may display in Outlook's sender name area, so ask the subscriber add your address only.

For additional information about Outlook, visit the Office Support Page.


If Outlook.com delivers a legitimate message to junk, you can do two things.

  • Mark a received campaign as Not Junk. Open the junk folder and right-click the message. Click Not Junk.
  • Add the emails listed above to the Safe Recipient list. Click the gear icon, and choose Options. Click the Safe and Blocked Senders link, click Safe Senders, and input the message's From email address.

For additional information about Outlook.com, visit the Outlook.com Support Page.

Yahoo Mail

If Yahoo Mail delivers a legitimate message to spam, you can do two things.

  • Mark a received campaign as Not Spam. Open spam folder, click the message, and click Not Spam.
  • Add the emails listed above to the address book. Open the message and click the Add to contacts button next to the From email address.

For additional information about Yahoo Mail, visit the Yahoo Support Page.